+605 210 8831 . +6016 542 9785    Mail To  ask@yeong-eatery.com      gMap H3MP+QG

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Friends you can get our meals using your Grab App or Panda in your handphone or call us.  
Your extra costs is only few ringgit per order depending on distance. 

The images below shows only RM3 per order for 6.9 km away, takes about 29 minutes




We however have to pay fairly large percentage for every ringgit we get.  yet.
Our Prices are the same as in-store


Below are sample screen shots from the App

Visitors . Builder

Sep 2022: After 6 years of your undivided support especially in the hard times of Covid-19, we have reviewed this website to tidy things and to thank you again for your kind continous support.

We have 104 guests and no members online

FreeLancer FuzMic

Credits: Joomla, JShaper, Google, ARI, FaceBk, C Keiflin, M. Richey, ChronoEng, JTune, L.Hunyadi, JA. Luque, P Westen, R.Demmer, P Vavro, V Markov, Ratmil, Perfect Web, P.Kivimak, Todor, E Ananyan,  Pham & others